About Us
Our Love for our Blessed Mother
We are a member of the Archdiocesan Filipino Catholic Mission (AFCM) with 150 members and growing. We promote the devotion to Our Blessed Mother in Her title of Our Lady, Mary Mediatrix of All Grace. On November 2011, the Toronto Chapter was born in response to the invitation from the California, USA community and was founded by Dindo and Martha Mayo. On January 2012, we started bringing a statue of the Blessed Mother to families to pray 2000 Hail Mary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet. The statue remains in the family for a minimum of 35 days. The family prays the rosary daily and consecrate themselves to Our Lady. As of 2019, we have 16 statues that move around the Greater Toronto area and nearby towns. As of 2021, we prayed more than 1,000,000 Hail Mary and started the consecration to St. Joseph. The pandemic restriction made us closer to Our Lady by virtually praying the Holy Rosary everyday. As of 2023, there are three 4-feet statues welcomed by parish priests in their churches and are used for the novena or the 2000 Hail Mary devotion, and one as a pilgrim statue.